We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done. So the next generation would know and tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God, remember his deeds, and keep his commandments. - Psalm 78: 4-7

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Animal Encounters at Featherdale Zoo

Jed loved, loved, loved Featherdale Zoo at Sydney.
In one morning, we got a week's worth of Zoology lessons - perfect for my active learner.

Petting the wallabies...

Petting the soft fur of a koala. Smelled like the eucalyptus leaves they like to eat.

Petting a kookaburra bird...

and a dingo pup...

then meeting the pup's sire a few meters ahead.


Here's a wombat: 

and a prickly echidna:

Learning about the cassowary bird, which is as tall as Jed.... 

Learning about albinos. What do you call a white/ albino kangaroo? A wallaroo!


Here's a lovely albino peacock, straight from the Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. And its cousin with the really beautiful colors. 



But, the highlight of the whole trip was feeding the kangaroos...

Here's the best photo of all:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dinosaur Walk

Learning about Dinosaurs at the Dinosaur Walk exhibit, also at the Melbourne Museum. 

My son, the dramatic actor...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Weight in Gold

We stepped on a weighing scale that computes your weight in gold.

Jed's weight in gold is 1.8 million dollars.

Together, our weight in gold is over FIVE MILLION DOLLARS... cool!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Metamorphosis - Complete & Incomplete

In the next exhibit at the Melbourne museum, Jed learns about Complete and Incomplete Metamorphosis in a fun and engaging way.

As a kinesthetic learner, Jed learns best by doing and not just reading or listening. This display is perfect for him, as  he gets to see, feel, touch & play.

Here is a display panel where Jed pushes either of two buttons to watch two different kinds of metamorphosis - a caterpillar hatching from an egg, or a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

Here is a life cycle showing a complete metamorphosis

and the incomplete metamorphosis:

with samples of insects that undergo either complete or incomplete metamorphosis:



 Jed studies the sample insects through a magnifying lens.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Bugz Life

Jed learns about bugs in this fun & interactive display at the Melbourne Museum.

Bugs make all kinds of amazing homes. 

Here, Jed pushes buttons to activate lights that show the ciculatory, nervous, digestive & reproductive system within a cross-sectioned enlarged replica of a beetle. I love the sheer delight on his face!

I found these large informative displays fascinating. I had a great Earth Science teacher - God bless her heart! And I loved my science classes. I hope to pass on to Jed the same kind of love for science & learning. He skipped past these displays, as I expected. But, I took good photos and, when he is older, we can go through them together.

Learning about camouflage... Here's an insect that looks like a leaf.

Can you find them now?

Here is a darkened lens.

Jed presses the button and can now see a real specimen inside. This display shows a rhinoceros cockroach.

Did you know that.... ?

Jed stands in front of a display of all sorts of animals, smiling and all pleased with himself for learning more about bugs.

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