We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done. So the next generation would know and tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God, remember his deeds, and keep his commandments. - Psalm 78: 4-7

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hands-on Bible

Jed got an early Christmas gift from me today.

Isn't it great that there's a hands-on Bible for energetic kids? I had to pry this away from Jed to force him to eat his breakfast.

There are experiments he can do. How cool is that?!

This one is called Sink-or-Swim. He poured 4 spoons of salt on a pail and cracked open an egg. Imagine his amazement to see the yolk float instead of sink.  The lesson: God's love holds us afloat, just like the salt does the yolk.

After the experiment, he devoured the story of the floating baby Moses, then stoutly declared, "My Bible is way cooler than your Bible, Mom."

Next up, Jed's gonna do the Rocket experiment which says, "Build this rocket to remind you that Jesus broke through the bonds of death." Can't wait to get that on video.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's Beginning to Look like Christmas

Jed had a fever today, so Dericke came to keep him company. The two boys commandeered the hammers. The poundings gave me quite a scare, as I had visions of them tearing down the house.

The end result was a lot lovelier.

Now, we have a bit of Christmas in our house, thanks to two energetic boys!

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